Wait- HOW old are you?

Hey Reader

Do you ever forget how old you are?

Whenever I go to the grocery store and see the sign by the checkout that says, "You must be born after today's date in 2002 to purchase alcohol or cigarettes".

It's always a shock to me.

I was in a sarcastic mood one day. The acne-faced young man that was working the self-checkout area had to ask me for my date-of-birth to clear the "age restricted" item in my shopping cart.

I couldn't resist messing with him. So as he punched in the numbers on the keypad, I said, "12. 20. 1861"

"BEEP! Invalid..." He tried it again as I repeated, "12. 20. 1861". BEEP! Invalid πŸ˜‹

Poor kid, he was about to call for a manager before I told him the correct date. I'm still not sure he got it.

In this week's blog post, I had some fun looking at the time period when we were born and how the cultural norms have changed over the decades we have been on this earth.

We have probably all rolled our eyes and said, "KIDS these days!" Take a moment to think about what kind of influences are surrounding these kids today and how it will shape their thinking as their lives develop over the next 30 or 40 years.

Read the recap of the decade you were born, who your famous contemporaries are, and how your perception of 'how things should be' has changed. What is still influencing you that you may not be aware of?

Middle age is a matter of mindset. Read it here:​


I promise to take it easy on the grocery store clerks. But I still will not ask for my Senior Discount! 😎




PS: Need some friends to share the life journey with you? There is so much more ahead! Join my Facebook Group Someday:the8thDayoftheWeek ​

Let's take a virtual road trip together- set our GPS to "someday". We'll figure out where that is for you, where you are starting from, and how to get there. One turn at a time. Road trips are always better with friends, especially when we have to navigate some detours and construction.

Valerie Mummert Coaching

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