Don't repeat THAT again!

Hey Reader

The beginning of November may determine your January.

We don't do it intentionally but somehow we drift into the chaos of November and December.

Do any of these situations sound familiar?

  • Do you intend to be a "filer" but instead become a "piler"? I'll just put in here for now and take care of it later.

  • Procrastination seems to relieve the stress of the moment but it's just delayed and compounded.

  • Clutter is nothing more than an unmade decision; a close cousin to procrastination. I have company coming so I will put these piles in the guest room closet. Now I have family coming and the guest room closet is full of who knows what!

  • I'm overwhelmed and stressed out! When everything settles down in January I can make a fresh start.

pile of printing papers
official receipt on white surface
gift boxes printed book
white textile on blue plastic laundry basket
white camera on table

We swear next year we are not going to let this happen! Yeah- you said that last year...

Lets INTENTIONALLY Do Something Different this year (DSD)

  • Think about the paper and digital stuff that comes in to your home. Immediately throw out/ delete what you don't need. And be honest, are you really going to look at that catalog? The rest needs a system based on "where would I look for this if I needed it?"

  • Get out your calendar. Write in ALL of the family events, holiday parties (attending or hosting), projects to be completed, when your holiday decorations will go up.

  • Guard your time. You still need to take care of your daily duties, grocery shopping, running errands and REST! If your calendar is full and something comes up, you will need to give up something else. Sleep and sanity are non-negotiable.

  • Plan a family Saturday to deal with the clutter that your brain ignores after a while. If you have a pile of clothes that you "need" to go through and they have been there for 6 months, you don't need them. Decide on your favorite charity in advance and take most of your clutter there the same day.

  • Procrastination, clutter, and lack of planning drains your emotional energy and the result is overwhelm.

  • Pick one small step to start and the motivation and momentum will give you even more energy.

What's Your One Small Step Going to Be This Week?

Valerie Mummert Coaching

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