😎 Just for my biz owner friends... πŸ“ˆ

🀍A few of my favorite tools

I use all of these and know you will love them, too!

~These may contain affiliate links where I receive a commission AT NO COST to you~

Small business owners can easily get overwhelmed with all of the tech involved in running their businesses. Where do you even start?! I love all of these tools- if you are interested but have questions I would be happy to chat with you 1:1 😎

What, why, how...

Business Visibility Made Easy Course

Sign up for a FREE webinar on how to get your online business visible WITHOUT using paid ads. Get 4 practical, doable tips you can use immediately!

Liz Wilcox Email Membership

Ridiculously easy email templates, updated every week, for only $9/month

Thrive Cart

Sales pages, landing pages, checkout for physical or digital products. Pay once, no monthly fees! Starting out? Use this instead of waiting for your website to be built.

Let me know how I can promote and help you with your business!

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Valerie Mummert Coaching

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Hey Reader Do you ever forget how old you are? Whenever I go to the grocery store and see the sign by the checkout that says, "You must be born after today's date in 2002 to purchase alcohol or cigarettes". It's always a shock to me. I was in a sarcastic mood one day. The acne-faced young man that was working the self-checkout area had to ask me for my date-of-birth to clear the "age restricted" item in my shopping cart. I couldn't resist messing with him. So as he punched in the numbers on...

Hey Reader I have been procrastinating. Every time I see the bookcase in my office, I roll my eyes. On a Saturday afternoon, I decide to finally clean up the stacks of notebooks, journals, and piles of paper on my bookcase. The ones I put there β€œjust for now until I can get to them”. I sit on the floor and start to flip through a half-used journal. As I read my own handwriting, I remember ... when I wrote it down, the prayers that I whispered at that point in the journey, the insights that...

A disorganized pile of papers

Hey Reader The beginning of November may determine your January. We don't do it intentionally but somehow we drift into the chaos of November and December. Do any of these situations sound familiar? Do you intend to be a "filer" but instead become a "piler"? I'll just put in here for now and take care of it later. Procrastination seems to relieve the stress of the moment but it's just delayed and compounded. Clutter is nothing more than an unmade decision; a close cousin to procrastination. I...